The Big Banana Car Children's Book
A collection of weird, wonderful and sometimes bizarre true stories of Ridiculous Steve and the Big Banana Car.
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The Story
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The Big Banana Car Children's Book is a collection of weird, wonderful and sometimes bizarre true stories of the banana car as it has traveled these great United States.
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The Banana Car
The Big Banana Car was built in 2011 and since that time has traveled from sea to shining sea and from the Great Lakes to the Gulf coast. It has visited New York city, Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami and many wonderful cities and small towns in between. You might even have passed it somewhere on the great American highway and wondered... is that a giant banana I see driving down the road?
As you can imagine, when driving an enormous banana cross country there is adventure around each corner and these are just a few of the many amazing true stories of actual banana car encounters.
I wrote the book while on The World Needs More Whimsy Grand Tour. The map below shows the Big Banana Cars travels since April 11th 2018.
The stories in the book range from getting invited to a party at NASA at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida to being pulled over and told by a police officer in a little mountain town in West Virginia that "at that light back there you peeled out!"
The Book
It will be a softcover book measuring 10" X 8" with approximately 28 illustrations.
The Author
There is not a lot to say about me really, other than I born at a very early age in the historic town of Woodstock at the southern edge of the Cotswolds in England. I have lived in the United States for over 30 years and I drive a huge banana. Which, by the way, I think is a perfectly normal thing to do. It's other people who think it's strange.
The Illustrator
I knew that I wanted to find an illustrator from within the ranks of the Big Banana Car followers on Facebook. I invited them to offer submissions and then posted those drawings online suggesting people vote for their favorite. It was a close race but the most popular illustrations were drawn by Anthony Snyder of Portage, Michigan.
Anthony chose an unsophisticated, cartoonlike style which is perfect for a book of this kind. His illustrations are themselves very whimsical and superbly capture the fun of driving a banana all across America.
Of all the many reactions that the Big Banana Car elicits, the most delightful are those of children. Their enjoyment upon encountering something so absurd and silly is truly wonderful. Driving past a school during recess is one of the most fun things I have ever done and the single most common comment I hear from parents is "our 10-year old saw your car last week and has not stopped talking about it".
I had no idea as I was building the banana car how much all this would mean to me and it is what compelled me to write this book.
I hope you enjoy it.
Photos of the Big Banana Car.